Far too Close
We are constantly in motion
We never stop moving
Even when just sitting down,
Our mind, our feelings, fantasy, thoughts, and even our body
is constantly on the move from one landscape to another.
We are in a permanent changing room.
The word ‘movement’ carries much symbolism and meaning.
It is directly connected to the words ‘Distance’, ‘Time’, ‘Far’, 
‘Close’ and many others…
Our emotional world is closely linked to movement: in many
languages there is a direct connection between the two words:
motion and emotion – 
we move and we are moved – 
It is obvious, that moving closer to something, means moving
further away from something else.
This simple fact is a fundamental question, we should ask
ourselves whenever we decide ‘to make a move’….
As dancers on stage, or as anybody moving through life,
should ask ourselves:

“Are we moving in order to come closer to something, to enter
a new space and experience, or in order to move away from
something, in order to forget …”
Are we moving in order to create future memories, or just to
forget the ones we have experienced?
In our curious journey through life, often we arrive 
‘“Far too close” to one thing, so that we cannot see it in its
complete form….
And maybe too far from the other, to be able to see any detail.
In any case all our moves (emotional or physical) leave deep
wrinkles in our hearts.
They are like the lines in the sand of a zen-garden in which
only our spiritual fantasy grows – or like the furrows of a
fertile field on which our food grows, which enables us to
make zen-gardens, which inspires us to build fertile fields to
feed us, which enable us to create zen-gardens, which
inspire us…forever.

                    Jiří Kylián - The Hague, June 2003