
“Incantations" are spells, enchantments and bewitchery. 
They are performed by wizards, witches or fairies, whose 
rituals are designed to trigger magical and sometimes 
‘suspect’ effects on persons or objects. In the course 
of such ceremonies strange words like "Abracadabra", 
"Sim Sala Bim" or "Hocus Pocus" are used. Some creative 
artists might also be called wizards. And some of them are 
capable of supplying us with ‘art’ of questionable quality - 
something we might refer to as “Abracadabra” or “Sim Sala 
Bim”. I always tried to avoid this in my creations, but 
perhaps on several occasions I gave into the temptation..!?
"Incantations" certainly does not fall into this category, 
and in fact creating it was a very rewarding and enriching 
experience. "Incantations" had no underlying program or 
message. I was simply ‘enchanted’ by André Jolivet’s music, 
by the convincing interpretation of the flutist Aurèle Nicolet 
as well as by the talent, willingness and trust of the dancers. 



I was fortunate to work with some very talented young 
interpreters. For example with Joyce Cuoco, who excited 
thousands of spectators at the "Radio City Music Hall" in 
New York as a twelve year old "wunderkind" in the sixties, 
but who also enchanted audiences as a mature dancer at 
the Stuttgart Ballet. But first and foremost it was my first 
professional encounter with my lifelong partner Sabine 
Kupferberg. Working with her and her partner Christian 
Fallanga gave me some of my finest creative experiences 
– it gave me some kind of reassurance that dance and 
choreography are capable of transmitting very sensitive 
and personal messages other art forms cannot. I can 
imagine that this work would not pass when scrutinized 
by today's standards, but the experience was interesting 
and it lead me to further exploration of this vulnerable 
art form and its relation to music.

                    Jiří Kylián - The Hague, May 28, 2020