Text for Théâtre des Champs-Élysées 

I am amazed and excited about the fact that in september 2014 
the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées - will host a new initiative with
dance in its focus. This remarkable theatre - now 101 years young 
will become the host to a new venture entitled "TranscentDance". 
Théatre des Champs Élysées was created in order to bring new, 
avant-garde, and even controversial contemporary artistic creations 
- and they did!
The composers - Debussy, Stravinsky, Paul Ducas, Fauré...
Choreographers - Fokine, Nijinsky...
Diaghilev, Bakst, Bourdelle, Vuillard and many others...
They all created a legend which is unsurpassed until this very day!

I feel very honored that I am invited to be part of this important 
event, and that my name will be connected to it.
It is a great privilege for me that on September 22nd it will be 
inaugurated with a performance of the Norwegian National Ballet 
presenting an evening of my work.
This decision is very exceptional and brave, but it is totally in 
tune with the original spirit, in which this theatre was built: 
the support of contemporary art.
The three works presented in the opening performance: Symphony 
of Psalms 1978, Gods and Dogs 2008 and Bella Figura 1995, stem 
from different periods of my life and represent different 
choreographic approaches...


I am excited about the fact, that such presentation is possible 
in this day and age in which political agendas seem to control our 
lives again rather than experiences of more profound nature...
We should not forget that Théatre des Champs Élysées was opened
at the eve of World War I.

We should realize this, and we should be aware of this..!

It is our thirst for new experiences, discoveries and adventures 
in art and science which show us the way... 
rather than chauvinistic and nationalistic concerns..!
I wish the organizers, donors, artists and public much pleasure, 
excitement and luck with this important artistic initiative.